The Bristles brainwashing

if you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it,
people will eventually come to believe it
- sounds familiar, eh?
the songs in the media's all company music
played until you start to believe you like it
brainwashed to believe what they want us to believe
brainwashed to see what they want us to see
brainwashed to be what they want us to be
the best known products is what sells best
lunatic commercials for fixed purposes
brainwashed to believe what they want us to believe
brainwashed to see what they want us to see
brainwashed to be what they want us to be
brainwashed, brainwashed
in the papers and in the news
opinions told as the truth
chosen to fit the advertisers
every product needs its buyer
freedom of the press ha ha ha
power of the consumers yea right
flogging overpriced cheap products
which means low salaries, poor work conditions and so forth