The Calm Fiasco america

i may not be the tallest boy you know.
m defo not the sharpest tool in your box
but don'
t underestimate me.
please don'
t take me for granted
t drive no flashy car.
ve got the very first renault clio
not staying overnight.
m heading home on my own
stop pretending that you'
re into it.
you only like it cos everyone else does
call me up on my telephone.
let it ring and ill speak to you later
speak politely doesn'
t cover the lies
better off being humble and shy.
nobody really likes a showoff
no questions asked and you'
ll get no reply
bye bye.
bye bye.
whats way the american accent?
obsessed with likes and followers
your photos are all meaningless.
please stop talking about yourself.
whats way the american accent?
obsessed with likes and followers
your photos are all meaningless.
please stop talking about yourself.
i may not be the tallest boy you know.