The Insyderz god almighty

Well I know its hard to think and its hard to believe
That we're back from the dead and we're back on the scene once again
Yeah, back from the dead
We're out of the shadows and we're back on the street
Getting ready to march to our planned destiny
Yeah, Our Destiny
Its the road less traveled but it goes by to last
Father give us your blessing let us make and impact
Yeah, your words last
God Almighty be with us
God Almighty in you we trust
May all the saints and angels be with us
As we press on through our existence
Life is so much tougher than I thought it would be
I need Your strength and wisdom God, You gotta help me
Yeah, please help me
Yeah life is a struggle its an all out war
I lay my burdens at Your feet Christ, you are Lord
Yeah, my Savior