The Jacquelines japanese boogie

If you ever get to boogie like the Japanese do
Be ready to get dizzy and a little tipsy too
They highly educate and they love control
But they all go crazy when the music starts to roll
Theyll point you, and theyll invite you with a smile
To do the Japanese boogie
Japanese boogie, Japanese boogie, Japanese boogie
Japanese boogie, Japanese boogie, Japanese boogie
Theyll point you, and theyll invite you with a smile
To do the Japanese boogie
Japanese boogie, Japanese boogie, Japanese boogie
Japanese boogie, Japanese boogie, Japanese boogie
If you ever get to go upon a Japanese loo
Youll find that theyve installed heated seat to pamper you
Its youll experience the most luxurious poo
Oh, that ...perfumed dryer too
Ah you feel so shiny and I know you do the Japanese boogie
Japanese boogie, Japanese boogie, Japanese boogie
Japanese boogie, Japanese boogie, Japanese boogie
Ah you feel so shiny and I know you do the Japanese boogie
Japanese boogie, Japanese boogie, Japanese boogie
Japanese boogie, Japanese boogie, Japanese boogie
If you really wanna swing it like the Japanese do
Listen to me baby, cause it aint so hard to do
You bend your right knee forward, spread your arms to the side
Oh, oh, here we go I hope that you enjoy the ride
Scream jacquelines
Cause thats what it takes to spin the jackquelines boogie
Jacquelines boogie, jacquelines boogie, jacquelines boogie
Because thats what it takes to do the jacquelines boogie
Jacquelines boogie, jacquelines boogie, jacquelines boogie
Because thats what it takes to do the jacquelines boogie.