The Kleenrz big business

He didn't jump
somebody pushed um off the boat
Norishnicof would float
Hands tied behind
Norishnicof would float
Hands tied behind his back criss crossed and chocked
Lets not forget shot
Neck bent back n broke
Aint that a joke
Wouldve thought that hed be smart enough to know
That these ppl don't fake the funk
They take there time and tinker take and Poke
Theres no situation the kleenrz can't control
All your hopes will sink like a anker
Weve had ppl faint before
Its not like we like the gore
Dammit man kenny can you lock the door
Real definition of a canker sore
I dont get paid to thank
Get you on a cruise with your island swank
Your body will probably wash ashore by drinking a thousand gallons of drank
Your mellon swell
Hold up swole up
Your eyes are big like your looking though a fish tank
Starburst hemorrige surprise
Many hombres lay in bisqane bay
another day another Hollar
scream gimme some of that listereen
I would love to make all your troubles go down the drain
A dee doo
Debating whether or not i should have the stew
Or the lima bean soup served before 2
Make no mistake i gotta job to do
Just buying some time
The ceo of an investment firm rogers and sweeney is about to resign
My clients specifically requested that he go flying
The told me to get creative
Someone giggled hysterically but i soon relized that it was me apparently
My company never granted me this option before
Im elated
Promoted in the kleener oganization definitely been long awaited
Cant wait to tell dahlia that her mild mannered sales man has officially made it
A celebration is in order
Ive Arrangened to get carter
Kidnap him after he drops off his daughter
The last kiss from daddy sounds like a movie in the makings starring me and kenny segal
Act dangles from the roof top of a 50 story high rise by his tube sock
Screaming why me
No props or stunt men
Director chairs, extras and actors trailors
Dont expect shawn penn to come through those doors delirious in tears
Fate reared its ugly head
I can imagine that this poor fellow when he woke up this morning didnt think that at noon hed be dead
After we let him go
I made a phone call
its done i said
picked up my things n briefcase ate a breath mint and fled
Sent from my incredible mind