The Last Alliance out of the ashes

Out of the Ashes and Into the Sky
Born of a Bloodline destined to Survive
Nations and Countries they All Know our Names
Crushing our enemies leave Cities in Flames
Ancient Creatures held on High
Long forgotten in the mists of time
When the past shall live again
Behold the Beasts Their wings malign
But never fear their visage hides a noble heart
That is Divine
Fires left blazing and scorching the lands
Champions have fallen and armies disband
Thousands have perished in foolish Crusade
Questing for Glory at the Edge of their Blade
Ancient Creatures held on High
Long forgotten in the mists of time
When the past it lives again (again)
Behold the Beasts Their wings malign
But never fear their visage hides a noble heart
Soaring the Skies (no More)
The last of his Kind
Soon he'll depart
And leave this world
Without a Guide
The Flame burns no more
The Flame still Burns
Within You Now