The Modal Nodes rathtars space octopi

They're big and dangerous
Too hideous for words
And yet Han is hauling
An agitated herd
They're in the cargo hold
Headed for King Prana
Gnarling their nasty teeth
Like hungry piranha
It's more fun to fly
With space octopi
Gigantic but spry
With a back full of eyes
They curl into a ball
They're bouncing off the walls
Throw us around like dolls
They could destroy us all!
Each one looks quite the same
But not identical
What's that around your leg?
A slimy tentacle!
It's more fun to fly
With space octopi
Gigantic but spry
With a back full of eyes
They just want to eat
They're not discreet
An entire star fleet
To them is just meat
It's more fun to fly
With space octopi
Gigantic but spry
With a back full of eyes