The Morgan Sisters mercy saw me

The years had left scars
And the scars had left pain
How could He recognize me
For I wasn't the same
I knew I should pay
And I knew the price
For justice and law had demanded my life
But His tender heart heard my desp'rate cry
And He saw my past through merciful eyes
Beautiful, That's how mercy saw me
Though I was broken and so lost
Mercy looked past all my faults
The justice of God saw what I had done
But mercy saw me through the Son
Not what I was, but what I should be
That's how mercy saw me
Wherever you go, you can't go too far
For His eyes of mercy can see where you are
Yes He loves you too much to leave you alone
Yes You're flesh of His flesh (Yes You are, Oh, Yes You are)
And You're bone of His bone
And His heart cries out for your heart today
See yourself through His eyes and then you can say
Sin had stolen all my dignity and all my self esteem
But I was made, I was made brand new again
When mercy, mercy looked at me
Beautiful, That's how mercy saw me
Though I was broken and so lost
Mercy looked past all my faults
The justice of God saw what I had done
But mercy saw me through the Son
Not what I was, but what I could be
That's how mercy saw me
Not what I was, but what I could be
That's how Jesus saw me
That's how Jesus saw me