The Mountain Goats indonesia

The summer came in carrying spring in its mouth
Held it up for everyone to see
This is the time when all our plans and schemes
Melt down into listless anarchy
Historically, anyway, that's been the case
But this year there's a new pink sheen on your face
Like the color of a secret flower
That grows tall and moist and incorruptible
In Indonesia
The season tunneled forward, like a moth through grain
Its hunger was an all-consuming, mindless thing
And you slept for twelve to fourteen hours at a stretch
I wondered what the weather in the fall was gonna bring
And then you said you'd dreamt of cowboys that were zombies in disguise
Well, I knew fall was never coming, it was written on your eyes
Like a mist that hangs there in the air
On the mountainside where rare and nameless flowers grow
In Indonesia