The Prestige memento

Backing up in time I then realised, it's over my shoulder
That I used to keep your hand
Relying on you to teach me what was hope,
But then I lost my youth and since I've never had my dose.
I did lose my touch, my ability to make everything simple
I did close all the doors, yet I should have left them unlocked
I have to make it up, I need to get my hands on what I thought was gone
Childish nonsense I now understand, a part of all I have ever been
There's no road straight enough without hope,
This fire in me will never compromise my will
All I've learn in all these years is to embrace our man made disease
All mighty stress, making us helpless, now I'm stuck
Although still moving straight, I guess, with all these grown up thoughts
Trapped in my head, making a mess
I have break down every bridge I had, and I was waiting for a sign
But out of desperation I'm still waiting for myself.
Relying on my own, no words could ever excuse anything
And I'm moving forward; in such a rush I can't see everything around me
I now realise that the clock is ticking, I'll need a lot of time to change my life
I'll keep trying ‘til my old days to catch up my wasted time
Always in a hurry trying not to miss the deadlines And all I've learn in all these years is to embrace our man made disease
All mighty stress, making us helpless, now I'm stuck
Although still moving straight, I guess, with all these grown up thoughts
Trapped in my head, making a mess