The Privateer strtebeker

A funeral procession moves towards the execution block,
with limbs heavy in chains.
The crowd soon rages towards the end,
filled with their distant songs.
And far the wind drives the laments,
/>when your executioner is near. And
Customers take the storm in stride,
so that no one forgets them again.
Death to the rich sacks of pepper,
To the poor, sacks of rich food.
>We brought your country to heel,
Peace to the hut, war to the castle!
And we waved up and down,
We want to be with the waves.
Sing dirges in the evening,
The next day in sunshine.
At the beginning there was the mutiny, the
Captains we gave up to the waves and
showed our luck a chance,
with a tailwind and through the slope.
That's all we have and so
We wanted to linger and when the wealth shows itself to us, we will immediately redistribute the loot.
/>The funeral procession has arrived,
staring at Molloch.
The crowd goes wild, they want to see blood,
as he bows in front of the executioner's block.
The executioner's leaf is severed the
air, a flash of iron blinds me,
but when I came to again,
I saw his body walking through our
And we sway up and down,
We want to be with the waves.
Sing dirges in the evening,
The next day in the sunshine.