The Ragnarok Prophecy treachery

Construction of an empire,
Combustion within,
By the great fire,
Rebuild on the tomb of the forsaken liar,
Tear up the grave,
Destroy the grave,
Crawling beneath your skin,
bodily functions from within,
There will be no escape,
The hands of death grip your fate,
Consuming light from your soul,
This is the last chance to plead guilty,
Last chance to plead guilty,
Take the traitor to meet his demise,
Slowly torture,
Watch the light leave his eyes,
Break his soul,
Shatter it to pieces,
Rip the flesh,
Burn the lies,
Burn the lies,
There will be no escape,
The hands of death grip your fate,
Consuming light from your soul,
This is the last chance to plead guilty,
Last chance to plead,
Plead guilty.