The Raveness valentine and pierre

Mademoiselle Valentine is a lady as common as muck who does not give a care with her mime dramatic make up and feather bob finger waved hair. The diamond ribbon chasing across the stencil of her pencil drawn brow and he poor Pierre, looks on in love sick woe. Lost in her sultry absinthe stare, fonder he does grow.
Treat him she does as if Pierrot the clown, the flapper with brash wings, a sex pot raven scavenger and a bit of a cow, quite the penny farthing as Valentine pretends with constant flapping about town. Bicycle lady with doll maroon kisser unapologetically taunt’s agonized Pierre.
Through the smoke that lengthens her cigarette holder, the daughter of flaunt vibrates with chatter. Pierre hears not a line and for her kiss does pine until with praying lips he snatches his fine wine.
Conquered, pops upward the leg of his muse and mistress divine and advance with passion through the roaring twenties does the frolicsome romance of triumphant Pierre and his darling Valentine.