The Robocop Kraus things don t work that way

Cleanse your palates of the aftertaste
People jump on the sane bandwagon
When they can point at someone crazier than themselves
Pack up the whole incident in a trunk
Labelled things over and done with
The rain kept falling that night
And emptied into the dark gutters and into the sea
Where I was trapped bouncing up and down
And I prayed to this God who is not there I know
Please stop this current from dragging me out into the sea
I'm down on my knees and I'll stay there if you send me a whale
Of course He did not do anything and I swam in
Things don't work that way
No promise have I made
Things don't work that way
I'm down on my knees and I'll stay there if you send me a whale
Of course He did not do anything and I swam in
Things don't work that way