The Rubettes the sha na na song

I'm not sure what they talked about in my school
but I seem to be like some kind of a fool oh yeah
I failed my history but that doesn't bother me oh no
She's the one
She's the one
Oh well I know my teacker had no soul
and that school didn't teach no Rock'n'Roll oh no
I failed my Geography but that doesn't bother me oh no
>Sha Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
Sha Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
With my mind on other things
and in my childhood dreams I would hear
little Richard scream
I'm not sure what to do
I'm not sure what to do
I'm not sure what to do
Well I left my school and upon my soul
all I had left was a Rock'n'Roll
but I played it all night long
and know I can't go wrong yeah yeah
Sha na na sha na na na