The Smile Case campfire song

I see that you're doing alright. I guess I'm doing fine as well.
I hear your matress has a bedframe now. My still lays on hard floors.
I still don't dust. My hair is still a mess. I don't care anymore.
I see you that you learned how to count points and cheer on the home team.
I wonder if you still like the Eels. I wonder if you kept all your old
band shirts.
Anyway nothing changes much over here and I know you're glad that you
can't say the same.
Well at least that tattoo stays the same. A reminder of a more careless time.
It is still the only one you have. I booked another appointment for early
next week. I'm sure I'll get scared and cancel. Like who really needs a
permanent reminder anyway.
Anyway nothing changes much over here and I know you're glad that you
can't say the same. I know you're glad. I know you're mad. I know you're
sad and you can't stay.
Some people grow up and other people grow down. That is it. That is the
one I'm getting. A tattoo of a frown.