The Three Suns don t take your love from me

The Three Suns
Don't Take Your Love From Me
Don't Take Your Love From Me
The Four Aces
This version did not chart but
Previously charted in 1944 by Glenn Gray (# 26)
Previously charted in 1953 by The Three Suns (# 21)
Gloria Lynne hit # 76 In 1964 with her version
Written by Henry Nemo
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: A different format is used here. Because most lyrics
are sung by all four of the Four Aces, said lyrics are not annotated. Those sung
only by lead Al Alberts are shown in (parentheses).
Tear a star from out the sky
(And the sky feels blue)
Tear a petal from a rose
(And the rose weeps, too)
Take your heart away from mine
And mine will surely break
(My life is yours to make)
(So, please, keep the spark away)
Would you take the wings from birds
(So that they can't fly?)
Would you take the ocean's roar
(And leave just a sigh?)
Oh, this your heart won't let you do
(This is what I beg of you)
Don't take your love from me
(Would you take the wings from birds)
(So that they can't fly?)
(Would you take the ocean's roar)
(And leave just a sigh?)
Oh, this your heart won't let you do
This is what I beg of you
Don't take your love from me