The Twenty Committee her voice

So you wanted to see
the caring side of me,
where senses are shown.
She sang so much softer then
as fires burned in their witch-like hue
There was an offer of blood for Love
So much I can hear
in her voice, so much clearer
So much in my head will fade
and wash away the words that I can’t say to you, my love
Now that I’ve become
enthralled with her voice
and the scars she has earned
My lips, they will not lose
the sound of her words
The hungry pitches ringing
Lost in a second, my heart is hers
Face to face with myself
I can hear the words so much clearer
And in the world,
I will offer up my voice
My words, they will not fade,
though my body will break down and lose its place
So much in my head will fade
and wash away the words that I can’t say to you, my love
As my mind remembers the lies
and scrambles through the brambles of this life
We may travel by candlelight,
counting stops ‘til we’re satisfied
And in creation I will breathe
And in the world,
I will offer up my voice
My words, they will not fade,
though my body will break down and lose its place
So much in my head will fade,
and wash away the words that I can’t say to you, my love