The Winterless North my two arms

please won't you publish the long list of my crimes
I know there are so many to choose from
I know I am despised for slipping and falling
into your eyes I was guilty, so guilty
yes I am a hardened criminal for yes I fell for you
and yes I cared for you for so long
the verdict came so swiftly no jury was needed
show mercy please show mercy I'll try to be strong
I'm floating it's so quiet here in the inky black
I'm untethered and am running out of air
I have these two arms and they are mine to wrap me up
to help me get through the night when no one's there
the verdict came so swiftly no jury was needed
for you were the jury judge & executioner
show mercy please show mercy even though I am so guilty
I really really really felt for you
the verdict came so swiftly
no jury was needed
I am a hardened criminal for you