The Wires sursum corda

What if I
Am not going to tell you
That your burden's worth a tear
What if you
Are not going to miss it
In front of the eyes of
A true peer
‘Cause you know
That the air you breathe
Is not always a given and
The blood, that still runs
Through your veins
Somewhere else might be
And if the breeze
turns into a real storm
Giving you reasons to feel torn
Wouldn't you regret your complaining and
Look for the lighthouse you have lost
Cause you know
That the air you breathed
Is not a given anymore
And the blood, that warmed
Your body is now as cold as stone
As if it would have been that much
As if it could have torn you apart
Now that you know
That the air you're breathing
Is not always a given and
The blood, that still runs
Through your veins
Somewhere else might be
Come on, you'll make it through
We'll drown your sorrows in
A drop of acumen
Come on, you'll make it through
We'll drown your sorrows in
A drop of acumen