Theandric the same body

The same Body which hung upon the Cross,
We adore on the altar now.
The same Blood which poured out of His pierced side
is contained within this sacred cup.
Jesus loved without reserve.
He gave completely of Himself.
The same Body which rose up from the dead,
the same Blood which flows through His Heart,
are truly present in this Blessed Sacrament.
The sacrifice that gives You perfect praise.
We are not worthy that You should enter under our roof,
but say the word and our souls shall be healed.
We are one body, one body now in Christ,
and we share in His divine life.
May we too give each other of ourselves,
without measure, and holding nothing back.
We believe, we have come to know –
That God is love; our Faith we do profess.
How can we doubt, when such a Gracious Host
humbles himself to be our Daily Guest?
I remember the night You were betrayed
You raised your eyes to heaven, from Your Heart You prayed
That all may be one, as You are God are one
In the unity of charity, in one communion
The Flesh and Blood you took, You offered up again
To open up the Door of Faith, to let us enter in
O, what a priceless gift, how we're so richly blessed
That God is both our Gracious Host and our Daily Guest…