This Good Robot incident 824 a catastrophic case of continuum chronosis

Once I met an older version of myself
I asked him what should I do
How could I be him?
Then he disappeared
Now I'm freaking out
I don't know what to do with myself
I thought I should not leave I might come back
Then I figured well I'll just know where I am
Because I lived it once and I'll know what to do
Oh man I'm freaking out
I've lost myself
I don't know what to do with myself
But if I want to be you
Then all I have to do
Is wait until the time comes true
I'll take all my leads from me and
Surely they will see
The time it takes is all i need
If I thought in twenty years I might come back
I'd have thought of all the questions I would ask
You'd think I'd leave a clue
There's too damn much to do
Go on enjoy the view
Don't freak out
The world depends on you
Don't freak out
But if I want to be you
Then all I have to do
Is wait until the time comes true
I'll take all my leads from me and
Surely they will see
The time it takes is all i need
Tick tock I've lost track of time
The watch winds while I lose my mind
Science fiction's getting the better of me
but I'm not blind
I still exist and that's a good sign
The past is gone and we're right on time
How can i transcend what I can't understand
Know that I was there
Now it's part of the plan
I hold all of the world
In the palm of my hand
Maybe I'm not real?
But if I want to be you
Then all I have to do
Is wait until the time comes true
I'll take all my leads from me and
Surely they will see
The time it takes is all i need
You'd think I'd leave a clue
There's too damn much to do
Go on enjoy the view
Don't freak out
The world depends on you
Don't freak out
And I don't run away to yesterday