This Memory submersion

I don't know
Why I wasted my time on you
Why did I try so hard to save you?
You pushed me away
But I kept coming back
My arms were outstretched
To pull you out from the black
I'm glad I walked away
Before things got to bad
I used to be drowning
But i'm now on dry land
But your head is submerged
And all you can do is gasp and burst
I would save you
If you would do the same
But it was all lies and only you are to blame
Its like anchors are attached to your feet
Dragging you into the deep
Its getting so dark that you can barely see
You're getting so deep that you barely breath
You'll find no way out of this
I hope you'll learn your lesson
I'll never let you forget
I have have just reached the surface
I'll never make the plunge again
But the tide is still rising
And soon there'll be nothing left
I have just reached the surface
I'll never make the plunge again