Thy Disease corporate cull

Corporate cull!!!
Secret preparations
For financial collapse
Stealth planes follow
In the wake of stealth tax
We are dogs in the street
Out killing for scraps
And forced to be the killers
On our own contract
Everything on the way to the final solution
Corporate cull, population implosion
Everything on the way to the final solution
Corporate cull, de-population explosion
Plague distribution
Through inoculation
Contaminated food chain
Blood dead pollution
Frequency weapons
To distort vibration
Sell the air from our lungs
With deforestation
Aspartame end game
Complete soul severance
Anaesthetised minds
With no frame of reference
Legislate the child
Debasing innocence
Destroying all routes of
escape, transcendence
Corporate cull!!!
Everything on the way to the final solution
Corporate cull, population implosion
Everything on the way to the final solution
Corporate cull, de-population explosion
Everything is in place
For the final solution
Population implosion
Everything is in place
For the final solution
De-population, explosion!!!