Tica Douglas all meanness be gone

forty-four more sunsets
until you and me baby
we make it out west
where people go to see mountains
i've been promising you this day
since the day we met
oh late have i loved you
beauty ever ancient
and ever new
early will i seek thee
you can tell me all the things
you're dying for me to do
the hours slip past
and the years go fast
It's hard to see your friends change
You see it happen
In the smallest ways
and only then do you realize
the small things are all the things
you miss these days
so all meanness be gone now
you ain't got nothing
to do with me
my weakness is my own
my own to hold
my own to keep
the hours slip past
and the years go fast
i remember the morning
he said that he realized
where you must start
you don't have to be injured
to still feel the tearing
you love in your heart
it's okay not to suffer
you don't have to be broken
to make heartbreaking art
the hours go fast
and the years slip past