Tidelands japan

I’m reminded there’s a shadow moving
Eating at the edge of each denial
Shocks then after, waves, disaster
Even a bear reaches out for help
There’s nobody there
Just miles of waste / nuclear rain
Trash made of what once was precious
I’m divided both fear and anger
Each from a source of course to be believed
High brow banter, experts counter
The images fill in the words they cannot
Lost in a flood, but burned in our conscience
We can’t go back, it won’t be the same
We can’t go back, never again
We can’t go back, and greed is the one to blame
今 夢に見る あの青い海 
変わらない毎日は もう おとぎ話
目に見える この手で触れる
現実という名の ここは悪夢
空も海も山も 人も想いも消えて
ただここにあるのは 自分と明日だけ
we can't go back, and greed is the one to blame

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