Tim Bendzko nur noch kurz die welt retten

I would have loved to have been there
But I have far too much to do
Let's talk more later
They need me out there now
Them Situation is underestimated
And maybe our lives depend on it
I know you're serious
You can't do without me here right now
Don't worry, I'll stay ' not too long away.
Just have to save the world for a moment,
After that I'll fly to you.
Check 148 more emails
Who I know what will happen to me then
Because so much is happening
I just have to save the world for a moment
And immediately afterwards I'll be back with you.
Somehow I'm late Come on,
Start eating.
I'll get to it later.
You ask why why why,
I say anyone who asks something like that is stupid
Because you don't seem to know what I'm doing
'A very special mission
Leave it I'll spare you the details
Enough said enough information.
Just have to save the world for a moment,
After that I'll fly to you.
148 left Check emails
Who knows what will happen to me then
Because so much is happening
I just have to save the world for a moment
And immediately afterwards I'll be back with you.
I'm running out of time to wait
It would be a shame for the entire world population.
I have to go now otherwise there will be a big catastrophe
You see Don't you think we're in trouble?
I really have to save the world now,
After that I'll fly to you.
Check 148 more emails
Who knows what else will happen to me then happens
Because so much is happening
I just have to save the world for a moment
After that I'll fly to you.
Check 148,713 more emails
Who knows what will happen then still happening
Because so much is happening.
Just have to save the world for a moment
And then I'll be back with you straight away.