Time Grid forsaken

Three years old. Just old enough to understand. I was the last time I saw your face...
I can't remember your hair, your eyes colour...
But anyhow you're my mom, the one that gave me birth...
I wish I could see you just once...
I will not be afraid, no. Just want to know who you are...
Now I've got a new life, I've got a new house, new parents. Now I'm used to call them mom and dad...
You have forsaken me cowardly. I want to forget your name, the way you walked away.
I wish I was somebody's child...
You have chosen my name, but you didn't let me take you as a pattern.
I don't know where I'm from. I will never know. I will lead my new life, the one you have chosen for me...
I think I can understand your choice, now that I have adopted my new mom and dad...
They seem to be my real parents. It's almost as if they were my begetters, but they aren't. I don't know wich blood pours in my veins... If you're still alive, please, give me a sign...