Times New Viking middle class drags

Based loosely on merit, you learned how to bear it,
You learned how to wear it well.
Completely convinced starting 'til I was tricked,
Embarrassed, but acceptable.
Why do we still go?
They're still standing to hear us,
Still managed to not exist.
Based loosely on logic, it turned us lethargic,
We managed to still impress; still impress.
Based loosely on merit, we learned how to bear it,
We learned how to wear it well.
Not completely convinced, starting 'til I was tricked,
Embarrassed, but acceptable.
Why do we still go?
They're still standing to hear us,
Still managed to not exist.
Based loosely on logic, it turned us lethargic,
We managed to still impress...
We knew from the start that it wouldn't last,
It's happened before, all these middle-class drags,
All the in-between, what happened so fast,
We told you before, we're just middle-class.
La la la la...