Timeshares bat city

You can fear most anything
When drunken wheels veer in your route.
And you're as lovely as can be
And ambulance lights shine over you.
Like when beauty exists for nobody,
Like dandelions or the sea.
And that's something you never see,
Like indigo or the queen.
And I reach out to you
Because you've seen me when I've been as selfish and cruel as can be.
And seen me again,
I don't wanna come loose.
Bat City is where you came to reap.
It's where I sought you in my sleep.
It's where you began to build again.
It's where you found new foundations.
Don't know what I thought would happen here.
I know that I felt you disappear.
I know I create what I can't perceive
Like indigo.
Where did you go?
And I'll see you then,
When the lights on the trees back home turn to green and to red,
If I can.
I don't wanna come loose again.
But what if I come loose?