Tiromancino per me e importante

For Me It's Important
Album: In Continuo Movimento (2002)
Misunderstandings are so strange
it would be better to always avoid them
for don't risk being right
because reason isn't always useful.
Tomorrow instead I have to leave again
another journey awaits me,
and it will seem like it has no end
but I'll look the landscape...
I'm far away and it comes back to me
I imagine talking to people...
My thoughts fly towards you
to reach the images< br/>now engraved in my conscience
like indelible emotions
that I can no longer forget
and my thoughts will search for
every time I feel you are distant
every times that I would like to talk to you
to tell you again
that you are the only thing
that is important to me...
I always like to tell you
what I it happens,
my words become in your hands
new colored shapes,
deep notes never heard
of ever sweeter music
or the sound of a siren< br/>lost and far away.
It will feel like you and I are traveling
with the same suitcase in two
always dividing everything.