Tiziano Ferro si no hubiera nacido

It happens, it happens, it happens
Then you curse but it doesn't go away
Your hunger is awake, how come
You don't want to go to sleep
You dream, you dream, you dream
But you know how much it will cost
A night on your feet to survive
To the fact that it is not reality
And you already know the end that will await!
On your willpower
He will leave complaining
They tell you 'be more It's strong, yes
They are good at criticizing
Who knows what's inside
In the refrigerator it got cold There are a few tears
At the table your anxieties and your loneliness
Under the bed you accumulate dust
And you don't sleep you lock yourself up, thinking that
It's the life that, together with pain, feeds on you
And on the path you have chosen
You continue thinking, calming the torment
'Perfect if I had not been born'
Claw, claw, set sail
Reasoning raises the anchor
No one expects it from someone intelligent like you
You talk, you talk, you talk
You are a real volcano
Train that passes quickly, efficient, little timid
But they haven't already told you
That you love yourself something more
Rela stop and then you will think a little about yourself
Showing yourself confident
Your problems will be solved
But your problem is
That you You don't see it yourself
In the refrigerator
It's life
And it won't happen
(And it doesn't happen)
It will never change />(No, it doesn't change)
It hurts in the stomach
Heart without faith
It's life
Come on, come on, react, relax, It is only you
Who determines your path
Then try to think how nice it would be if instead
You love something more in your life