Tocotronic fr immer dein feind

It doesn't matter, but
Forever your enemy
I recognized you on the street
I recognized you from afar
I'm yours, so to speak
In the Arms ran
We never got along very well
In general
My worldview was different
From yours
We almost avoided each other
that can I really can't deny it
Your clothes were different
From mine
But so many things have changed
For the sweater vests you wore back then
/>I'm only ready now
And I thought that we both
may understand each other now
And I greeted you
and looked at you in a friendly way
Yes you had already turned away
and looked into a shop window
I'm not particularly skilled at these things
It almost seems as if we
will never be together again
/>It almost seems like I'm
Forever yours
Forever yours
Forever yours
Forever your enemy