Todd Snider carla

An empty house is hard to bear
Lonesome's falling everywhere
Without you there's no light coming in
That lucky dog jumped the fence
Ain't seen him 'round here since
And I don't guess I ever will again
It didn't bother me any
I was good to that dog
And just like you
I'm going to have to learn to let him go
Leaving me was one thing, Carla
Why'd you have to leave so slow?
Slow and shifty backing out
You were trying to fill my head with doubt
You nearly had me walking out on you
About the oldest trick to be
Playing on someone as old as me
That can not be the best that you can do
It didn't bother me any
When he come around
I just wish I hadn't had to be
The last guy in town to know
I didn't mind you walking away
What hurt was how you walked so slow
You know, you go
You know that was so underhanded
Grabbing him just as you landed
After holding me the whole time you fell
You tell me, he'll be good to you
Who wouldn't be? What else is new?
Now all that I can do is wish you well
It wouldn't have bothered me any
If you left me when you wanted to
But you just had to wait
'Til you had some place better to go
Leaving me was one thing, Carla
Why'd you have to leave so slow?
I didn't mind you walking away
What hurt was how you walked so slow