Tokio Hotel ich brech aus

Tokio Hotel
Room 483
I'm breaking out
I have another plan today,
and it doesn't concern you at all.
I'm holding it tightly in mine Hand,
with the jerk against the wall, against the wall.
I blame you for me,
I never wanted any of this.
Unfortunately you leave me no choice,
This is the last time, the last time.
I feel claustrophobically cramped.
Make room,
before I find a way out.
You stop,
Don't stop me.
I'm breaking out.
I'm warning you don't chase me,
The world is happy without you.
What what you wanted is dead,
I am what's happening now, what's happening now.
Cold sweat on your forehead,
You can hear me screaming now.
It's about to happen Take everything out,
I'll pull the plug out, unplug you.
I feel claustrophobically tight.
Make room,
before I Blow up your way out.
You jibe,
Don't stop me.
I'm breaking out.
Your lies have been told,
Your last shot missed me.
It's too late, too late.
Unfortunately you leave me no choice,
that was the last time.
I feel
claustrophobically cramped.
Make room,
Before I blow my way out.
You stop,
Don't stop me.
I'm breaking out.