Tom Fun Orchestra you will land with a thud

You will land with a thud
Delivered in a cardboard box
Sixteen years and now I’m lost
Remember you sitting in the yard
Trains rolled by and left you scared
And I was by your side
Such a sight to see
You run ahead of me
Remember the day you disappeared
Hours later you showed up here
And I was home alone
Years beyond your time
A length of rope & a box of wine
Remember the day your father died
You wouldn’t come in –
you just stayed outside
And I couldn’t leave you alone
Delivered in a cardboard box
16 years and now I’m lost
And a feeling came over me
Like some long lost company
I took a breath & closed my eyes
And carried my dog back home
I laid her beneath a tree
Where the sun breaks through the leaves
Where the trains roll by
Inching their way back home
So sue me if I don’t
last too long
My heart it is weak
but it’s filled up with song
And the drinks
that they serve me
They make up the melody
The story is short
but the meaning is strong
One hundred thousand
rocking chairs
Swaying in an autumn wind
Reminders of what
should have been
We should have been