Tom Grounds the morning after leave

So you're sleeping like a baby,
With a smile upon your face
Exhausted, from the fire that we lit
Could the moon have been more bright?
Could the mood have been more right?
Cupid took his careful aim and Cupid hit
As I look at you there
I remember the warm
Kiss, after kiss, after kiss
And I find once again
There's a song in my heart
And the song, it goes something like this...
Like a subtle silent prayer my heart screams leave!
Look at that, you're still right there
And when I told you that I need you
[?] And the passion I was brought
What I mean was
Here's a bagel, here's a bus pass, here's a thought
Why don't you leave?
Hey look it's seven twenty-two
It's time to leave
You must have lots of things to do
After all it's Sunday morning
And I've gotta wash the car
Call my uncle up in Glasgow
And haha there you are
There you are in my bed
[?] Sun benevolently beams
Back in high school how I prayed for days like these
There you are in my shirt
Dreaming Crate and Barrel dreams
Planning weekends when we'll shop for SUV's
God what's that squeeze
Darling please
I beg you leave
How much more clear can one man be
I beg you leave
Time to be making live a tree
And while it's true I said I never knew such goddesses existed
Now I'm wondering who to call to get my phone number unlisted
There you are in my sheets
[?} In an 80 hour haze
Planning picnics on the patio we'll throw
Now your REM sleep begins
And you're picturing the twins
Making angels in the Minnesota snow
And I'm thinking woah
So cheerio
You've gotta go!
It's time to leave
I have a very jealous dog, you have to leave
You are a veritable log
So forget about these visions
Of a Summer house that's quaint
Or the pretty picket fences
That you'll picket me to paint
Oh look, you're up
Well, how 'bout that
Yes, yes, it is a lovely day
How much lovelier can any morning be
You've got to run?
Are you sure?
What's the hurry?
What's the rush?
Oh, you're already running late for your Tai Chi
Oh, I see
You have to leave
Well, I could walk you to the gym if you have to leave?
But I've got coffee
I've got skim
[?]Well I put you in my pilot
And I'm gonna call you soon
I've got half a box of Wheaties
And I've got an extra spoon
Do you have some plans for New Year's?
Are you busy Christmas Day?
Would you like to meet my parents?
Come and watch the Vikings play?
Are you sure that you can't stay?
Call me!