Tom House love lay softly

Love lay softly there beside me then she died
There was nothing left for her to hold onto
Just some skeletal remains bits and pieces and it pains me
To recall all I put her through
And it was just some pride justified
What I can’t face then I must hide and she knew
In them last lonely hours before the dawn
Love lay softly there beside me but she was gone
How can someone live their whole life so afraid
Like it’s all some horrible mistake once made
Can never be forgiven forgotten or denied
And I cried and I tried to find the words to say
But no matter how I felt that need I pushed her just that hard away
Come that rush of recognition where it all become so clear
Love lay softly there beside me but there’s no way she could stay here
And I’m clinging to some romance dancing right beyond my dreams
Where the madness gives me meaning silence seems the same as screams
And there’s a world that draws the lines so precisely and defines
Who we are or ever could be on our journey from the start
That light that shines so bright so briefly in the confines of my heart
And no apologies left in me now no way to make amends
Looking myself right dead in the eyes saying ok here’s how it ends
Come a murmur through the treetops like a secret must be told
And a hint of light the edges of a day dawn grey and cold
As the shadows swirl around her face and her dark eyes brim with tears
And my heart’s a twisted fist a-pounding that balance held so perfectly all these many years
And how close were we really ever I guess I’ll never know
Love lay softly there beside me the rain is falling and that far wind I lay listening to it blow
Let her go let her go…
And I’m clinging to some romance dancing right beyond all dreams
Where the madness gives me meaning silence sounds the same as screams
And there’s a world that draws the lines so precisely it defines
Who we are or ever could be on our journey from the start
That light that shines so bright so briefly in the confines of my heart
And no apologies left in me now and no way to make amends
Looking myself right dead in the eyes saying ok here’s how it ends
…Love lay softly there beside me then she died…