Tony Lucca new york city

It's freezin', it's February, I'm in New York City
Tryin' to hail a taxi cab on Seventh Ave
See I'm headed uptown now, and well he's headed down
Says it's probably gonna cost more than I have
So I walk the sunny side of the street
Think about my friends back home
Picture myself drivin' with the windows down
Before I knew it, I wasn't cold anymore
Decided to make the most of this crazy town
See they got their shit together there in that New York City
Patience and persistence fill the air now
Yeah, they're all in a mission in that New York City
Know just what they want the fastest way there
In New York City
I walk into this Village pub, Say, Its five oclock somewhere
Make conversation with the bartender
She's cuttin' limes
I ask about her accent, do my best to describe mine
She says, Is it true in California the sun always shines?
I said, It rains on occasion, but for the most part its like a Saturday in Central Park in mid-September."
She said, "Well, this ones on the house.
I said, Why thank you, what was your name again?
Knowing me, I won't remember
Yeah, they keep it all together there in that New York City
Hugs and middle fingers everywhere now
Yeah, it's like one big family there in that New York City
Hard times
God knows they've had their fair share
In New York City
In New York City
It's freezin', it's February, I'm in New York City
Tryin' to hail taxi cab on Seventh Ave
See, he's headed uptown now and well, I'm goin' down
Why does everything here cost more than I have?