Tony Norwell beautiful island

Tony Norwell
Beautiful Island
Beautiful Island
Beautiful island - though yet I don't know you -
Your friends round the world, now, all of them tell;
Though still I've not yet set - one foot down upon you -
I've seen and heard so much - I might just as well.
Beautiful island, oh beautiful island -
May peace come unto you - swift as can be;
Beautiful island, oh beautiful island -
May all of the world - then - stand up and see!
Beautiful island, you've shaken with sadness -
And scattered your children to far away lands.
And though they may now have - their new friends around them -
They still long for your people - to stand up and shake hands.
Beautiful island, you're now so much to me;
So many I've known have called you their home.
Please dry all your tears now and stop the blood flowing -
And let no more of your children - leave you on your own.