Traste Lindéns Kvintett stans vaktparad

Traste Lindéns Kvintett
Sold out
Stans Vaktparad
In our city we have a nice guard parade,
which plays every Saturday at lunchtime.
Then, down by the pedestrian street, regardless of the weather,
there was music and punch.
First in the ranks, like a proud drum major,
there is a bang Mr. Pett´son with a cap and a violin.
He probably keeps the beat as well as he can.
There are marches in three beats sometimes.
Close behind Pett´ son, in Myrornas svid:
a man made of steel.
He wears the bellows and fumbles in the base
has become the children's idol.
He came from Finland when the war was over.
He fights with the Swede,
but still stands up.
An endless tango in the deepest blue tt
is the gift of God that he received.
Last in our small but proud guard parade,
goes Bergström, our old scandal.
he drums with fingers so pale they crack.
His company was the biggest in town for a while.
But money must be useful as life is short.
He stole from himself, drove there
and was taken away.
He hardly regrets it,
you can see it on his face
He has played with Sarah Vaughan