Travis Nay gotta up my gamegonna up my gamei m uppin my game

Gotta Up My Game/Gonna Up My Game
LIvin from the heart is the reason that we're alive.
I opened the door and let you inside.
I was all in. Yeah, I gambled it all.
I was willing to risk it, even take the fall.
Blindsided by what I thought was love.
Like a angry storm you ripped Through my soul.
Thought life was over, like I had nothing left;
felt so empty, like a bottomless pit.
Then I felt the warm embrace of the sun
as the sky slowly began to clear.
But my shadow was all that I could see
Cause I was Lookin' down through all my tears.
Then I realized that the shadow's not me.
If I didn't look up, that was all I could be.
Soon I felt the courage to look up at the sun.
my tears began to dry. And my healing begun.
Up my game!
Gotta up my game
make a change!
It's time to up my game!!!!
time to stop wallowing in my shame
time to stop playing that ‘poor is me' game.
I'm lookin' to the future, can't live in the past.
If I take action then I know the hurt won't last.
I'm lookin to change for the better.
Tired of the hurt and pain.
Tired, tired, tired of playing this game.
When I'm lookin' up I can't be down.
IF I choose to smile I can't have a frown.
IF I'm liven large I can't be small.
Can't think short if I'm walkin' tall.
Each small step in the right direction
builds momentum in pursuit of perfection.
The process changes us inside out.
Better and better, that's what it's about.
Better people, better friends, better life.
The better never ends.
Time to stop this game of pain.
Time to begin again.
Up my game
Gotta up my game
Gotta make a change
Gonna up my game
tired of the rollercoaster of pain
tired of the blame and shame
I'm tired, tired, tired of playing that game.
Up my game
Gotta up my game
Gotta make a change
Gonna up my game
I'm done with shame
I'm done with blame
I'm lookin' up
I'm upping' my game.