Trollech moudrost kovare

Hear an ancient story, hidden from human books*
A story that lives today in the shadow of the forest
In the shadow of ancient meadows, in the breath of forest halls
Inscribed in the book of April, is it correct? shade
They whisper him in the last year? new moon
Reflected in the eyes of hidden bright shadows
At the Green Forest what? called Jasmuz žil
Old age caught up with him, but did not take away his strength
White hair in a braid and wrinkles on his face
And in the valleys of those wrinkles the wisdom of the blacksmith is engraved:
When? saves the shadow, gives life to the new
The shadow cools the shadow, the shadow gives a new shape to the living
In the woods and in the walls of the forge
The same law, the same powerful dream
Even the trunk must be hardened by winter< br/>Should spring bloom strengthened
What? he knows the oldest wheel
When the blade, the horseshoe from the fire? brings forth
Flames in the hearth, in the clouds
The hammer sparks the hot snow
Has Jasmuz never forgotten, na? it is necessary to take care
To bow to the powers that protect the forest order
To bow to the trees whose wood he warmed
He gave thanks for the herbs and honey of the wild in ?el
Metal? knows the oldest wheel
When the blade, the horseshoe from the fire? brings forth
Flames in the hearth, in the clouds
The hammer sparks the hot snow
Birth, ruin, defiance, peace
Frost, fire
Gifts of the night, gifts of the sun
br/>Oak, me?, beech, shield
Elm, armor
Melds with the sap of the kolob?
Forests remember those who walked through them with respect
Forests remembered by those who do not forget ?l
Birth, destruction
Defiance, peace
Frost, heat
Gifts of the night, gifts of the sun
Oak, me?
Beech, shield
Elm, armor
Melds with the sap of the kolob?hu
Birth, ruin
Defiance, peace
Frost, heat
Gifts of the night, gifts of the sun
Truth, ?est
Wisdom, strength
Serves in silence
Forests out?? remember