TSIDMZ beasts men and gods

T.S.I.D.M.Z. (ThuleSehnsucht In Der MaschinenZeit) and Strydwolf: Beasts, Men and Gods
Did you see how our horses stood fixed in fear
How the herd on the plain moved their ears?
How the herds of sheep and cattle lay crouched
Close to the ground?
Did you notice that the birds did not fly
The marmots did not run and the wolfs did not cry?
The air trembled softly and bore from afar
The music of a song which penetrated all our hearts
Earth and sky ceased breathing. men and birds alike
The wind did not blow and the sun did not shine
The wolf is stealing up on the sheep arrests his stealthy crawl
The frightened herd of antelopes checks its wild course
Thus it has always been whenever the king of the world in his subterranean palace prays and searches out the destiny of all people on the earth
Text taken from Beasts, Men and Gods by f. a. Ossendowski (chapter XLVI. part V. mystery of mysteries: the king of the world - the subterranean kingdom)