Tsjuder krater

Finally we have destroyed ourselves
Endless nuclear wasteland
Post-apocalyptic hell
Where no sun shines
No hope for a new day
Eternal night, nuclear winter
Through gray-green nuclear fog
We have returned to hell
The right of the strongest is the only one here
Civilization was the first victim< br/>Man's time is over
In 100 years everything will be forgotten
In the chaos that is being cultivated now
Where the mighty have fallen
And men still fight
In the ruins of a world they don't house
Craters âĂˀĂ nuclear finality
Craters âĂĂĂ humanity rots
Craters âĂĂĂ tellus nuclearis
Craters âĂĂĂ all is laid in gravel
(repeat chorus)
No hope for a new day
Eternal night, nuclear winter
Man's time is over
In 100 Ã ¥r everything is forgotten
In the chaos that is cultivated now
Where the mighty have fallen
And men still fight
In the ruins of a world they do not house
(repeat last verse)
(repeat chorus)