Ultima Thule ragnarok

And Odin Said
Spring comes later,
autumn earlier and
summer gets shorter and shorter.
Fibula winter is in.
Man froze
and the giants froze< br/>and even the Aesir froze.
The mead congealed in Valhall
Särimner was deep-frozen.
Ragnarök, Liberator and death.
Ragnarök, Ultima Thule born.
Once rich and beautiful land
City and village are now on fire
Like Edda's mighty prophecy
The kingdom of the North stands betrayed
Ragnarök - liberator and death
Ragnarök - Ultima Thule born
Asar gathers in the late hour
Oden heard how the wind blows
Thor speaks, anger seethes
Gjallarhorn to the battle invites
Ragnarök - liberator and death
Ragnarök - Ultima Thile born
Wrathful gods stand ready
Viking proudly against giants goes
Army of giants, big and black
Last night of the Viking god
Ragnarök - liberator and death
Ragnarök - Ultima Thule gives birth
Torn ground now whole and clean
Life returns to the branch of the ash
In bloody soil where the battle stood
From Asar's blood a seed is sown
Ragnarök - liberator and death
Ragnarök - Ultima Thule born