Ulver hymn ii of wolf and the devil

The images of the wolf have once
To the pride of Hex & Thiefvels tied -
Of God's faith witnessed, mè¸rck but mè¦mctig -
Yes with Grenser viide as dend The world dend lÃ¨Õ Ã ზ¸de
Satan created it as for their Bilk
Becomes otherworldly - He is sweet,
A man in wolf hair
Even the wind is a teenager in his hand
And Eternity - his enigmatic spirit
On him a greatness that a crown Pan bore long ago
He hungers through Eternity -
Thinks if he is ugly & black
A Tragoedie kund for the one who knows
He sets out both Night & Day
In an eternal, death-straight I
.........Oc dend stoore, thirtste Lonesomed
Wild æ¸fve giengiÃærd for the lost love -
In Hat!
************************ ****************
The images of Wolf once served
The Pride of Witch and Devil -
Witnessed a dark, yet mightie Faith -< br/>With boundaries wide as the world it laid waste
Satan did create
What to their eyne Celestial is -
And so he is
A man in Wolfskin clad
To his hands, e'en the Wind is Servant
And Eternitie - his enigmatic Spirit
Around him a Majestie
like Pan his Crowne of olde
He hungers through Eternitie -< br/>Immersed in a Tragedie dark and colde
Knowne only to the Initiated
Through Day and Night he moves
In an eternal, wearie chase
...And this Solitude so greate and sad
Will Vengeance seek for Love long lost
Through Hatred!