Unheilig gelobtes land

We were promised so much
The goal seemed clear for so long
But the truth was much more
A deceptive Mr.
Even though the view was so often clouded
Blocked it from us clear view
Have you been lied to so often
And cheated out of your dream
Are you fed up with it too
Don't wait for what comes next
Let's look ahead now
And build our own world
Take me tightly by your hand
Lead me to the promised land
Show me your beautiful world
That brightens the day in me
/>Take me tightly by your hand
I don't want to just watch any longer
And stand on the side of the path
Don't trust the beautiful words anymore
That I heard in so many places < br/>We want to receive wishes
We want to create dreams
We long for the small victories
We don't want to just lie on the ground any longer
On the streets and in the alleys
>Let's see the crowds
Looking for true happiness
Striving for a little piece