United Nations revolutions at varying speeds

Make a change, make a change.
It all happens so fast
What's the difference between revolution and true growth?
Make a change, make a change,
It all happens so fast
What's the difference between all this spin and the true revolution?
Q: What's the difference between infectious disease and our hope?
A: There's a cure for our hopes.
Q: What's the difference between the Real UN and these pigs you see on stage?
A: At least we can take a joke. Because that's what this is. This world.
Q: Which side are you on? The Left of the Right?
A: Is that a joke? Yeah, they're both the same.
Q: How many Feds does it take to screw in a lightbulb these days?
A: None. They're all out of work.
And it's happening faster than you would think.
It's happening faster than you'd believe.
Changing the RPMs. Culture Accelerates.