Urgehal demonrape

I found her alone shivering in the dark
She was cold, scared shitless
Confused and lost
For seven days she drifted
In this desert forest
Without a slight sight
Of food or civilisation
Starving, she begged me for help
With her weak voice and tearful eyes
And guilty of being human
Armed with emotions
I gave her my helping hand
I fed her; I comfort her
And gave her my trust
And after a while she told me she had
Prayed to god for help
And that she beleived
I was her saving angel
And then I saw the cross
Hanging from her neck
I discovered what adventerous
Christian slut was
The rage I felt building up inside me
Was indestructible
Demonic hate from my heart
Emerged in the form of an infernal scream
Then I dragged her by the hair
And tied the bitch to the nearest tree
I ripped her clothes off
And sliced her pale skin with my knife
Then I painted her body with blood
As life faded from her, I cut the rope
And raped her dead soul twice, profusely!
I left her in a pool of blood,
Sperm, piss and guts
Ready for the wolves to serve
Pure fucking carnage
Pure fucking Black Metal!
Now look at yourself and tell me
Do you still think I am your
Fucking, saving angel?